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Lil Durk and India Royale Address Breakup Rumors Complex

"Lil Durk is unfaithful to India"
{ "Lil Durk cheats India"|"India is deceived by Lil Durk"|"India uncovers Lil Durk being unfaithful"|"India learns about Lil Durk's infidelity"|"Lil Durk's affair with someone other than India"|"India reveals about Lil Durk's disloyalty" }
{ "Lil Durk betrays India"|"India is betrayed by Lil Durk's cheating"|"India uncovers Lil Durk cheating"|"India learns about Lil Durk's affair with someone other than India"|"Lil Durk is unfaithful India, breaking her trust" }
{ "Lil Durk is unfaithful to India by engaging in infidel behavior"|"India feels betrayed when she finds out that Lil Durk is unfaithful"|"India learns about the hidden relationship between Lil Durk and another person while they were together"|"Lil Durk breaks the trust of India by cheating on her"|"India's heart breaks when she unveils the truth about Lil Durk's unfaithfulness to her" }
{ "Lil Durk betrays India by engaging in infidel actions"|"India is heartbroken when she discovers that Lil Durk has been cheating on her"|"India learns about the hidden relationship between Lil Durk and another person while they were in a relationship"|"Lil Durk breaks the trust of India by committing infidelity"|"India's world shatters when she reveals the truth about Lil Durk's unfaithfulness to her" }
{ "Lil Durk is unfaithful to India by engaging in infidel actions"|"India is devastated when she finds out that Lil Durk is unfaithful on her"|"India discovers the secret affair between Lil Durk and someone else while they were together"|"Lil Durk breaks the trust of India by cheating on her"|"India's heart breaks when she unveils the truth about Lil Durk's disloyalty to her" }
{ "Lil Durk cheats on India through unfaithful conduct"|"India is heartbroken when she discovers that Lil Durk has been cheating on her"|"India learns about the hidden relationship between Lil Durk and another person while they were in a committed relationship"|"Lil Durk violates the trust of India by committing infidelity"|"India's world shatters when she unveils the truth about Lil Durk's unfaithfulness to her" }
{ "Lil Durk is unfaithful to India through infidel actions"|"India is heartbroken when she finds out that Lil Durk has been cheating on her"|"India learns about the hidden relationship between Lil Durk and someone else while they were in a committed relationship"|"Lil Durk breaks the trust of India by committing infidelity"|"India's world shatters when she exposes the truth about Lil Durk's cheating to her" }
{ "Lil Durk cheats behind the back of India by engaging in infidel actions"|"India feels betrayed when she discovers that Lil Durk has been cheating on her"|"India discovers the secret affair between Lil Durk and another person while they were in a committed relationship"|"Lil Durk disregards the trust of India by cheating on her"|"India's world shatters when she uncovers the truth about Lil Durk's disloyalty to her" }
{ "Lil Durk is unfaithful to India through infidel behavior"|"India is devastated when she unravels that Lil Durk is unfaithful on her"|"India uncovers the illicit romance between Lil Durk and a third party while they were together"|"Lil Durk violates the trust of India by being disloyal"|"India's emotional world collapses when she exposes the truth about Lil Durk's unfaithfulness to her" }
{ "Lil Durk has an affair with India participating in cheating behavior"|"India is crushed when she learns that Lil Durk is unfaithful on her"|"India uncovers the truth about the illicit romance between Lil Durk and a lover"|"Lil Durk disregards the trust of India by committing infidelity"|"India's trust is shattered when she exposes the truth about Lil Durk's cheating to her" }
{ "Lil
Durk is unfaithful to India participating in infidel behavior"|"India is emotionally wrecked when she finds out that Lil Durk has betrayed her"|"India stumbles upon the secret affair between Lil Durk and a lover"|"Lil Durk violates the trust of India by committing infidelity"|"India's faith is shattered when she unmasks the truth about Lil Durk's cheating to her" }


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